What is VQ VAE? Vector-quantized variational autoencoder (VQ VAE) is a generative model that uses vector quantization to learn discrete latent representations.
Papers and Code
Jan 08, 2025
Abstract:Discrete tokens extracted provide efficient and domain adaptable speech features. Their application to disordered speech that exhibits articulation imprecision and large mismatch against normal voice remains unexplored. To improve their phonetic discrimination that is weakened during unsupervised K-means or vector quantization of continuous features, this paper proposes novel phone-purity guided (PPG) discrete tokens for dysarthric speech recognition. Phonetic label supervision is used to regularize maximum likelihood and reconstruction error costs used in standard K-means and VAE-VQ based discrete token extraction. Experiments conducted on the UASpeech corpus suggest that the proposed PPG discrete token features extracted from HuBERT consistently outperform hybrid TDNN and End-to-End (E2E) Conformer systems using non-PPG based K-means or VAE-VQ tokens across varying codebook sizes by statistically significant word error rate (WER) reductions up to 0.99\% and 1.77\% absolute (3.21\% and 4.82\% relative) respectively on the UASpeech test set of 16 dysarthric speakers. The lowest WER of 23.25\% was obtained by combining systems using different token features. Consistent improvements on the phone purity metric were also achieved. T-SNE visualization further demonstrates sharper decision boundaries were produced between K-means/VAE-VQ clusters after introducing phone-purity guidance.
* ICASSP 2025
Dec 26, 2024
Abstract:PearSAN is a machine learning-assisted optimization algorithm applicable to inverse design problems with large design spaces, where traditional optimizers struggle. The algorithm leverages the latent space of a generative model for rapid sampling and employs a Pearson correlated surrogate model to predict the figure of merit of the true design metric. As a showcase example, PearSAN is applied to thermophotovoltaic (TPV) metasurface design by matching the working bands between a thermal radiator and a photovoltaic cell. PearSAN can work with any pretrained generative model with a discretized latent space, making it easy to integrate with VQ-VAEs and binary autoencoders. Its novel Pearson correlational loss can be used as both a latent regularization method, similar to batch and layer normalization, and as a surrogate training loss. We compare both to previous energy matching losses, which are shown to enforce poor regularization and performance, even with upgraded affine parameters. PearSAN achieves a state-of-the-art maximum design efficiency of 97%, and is at least an order of magnitude faster than previous methods, with an improved maximum figure-of-merit gain.
Dec 22, 2024
Abstract:We present TAR3D, a novel framework that consists of a 3D-aware Vector Quantized-Variational AutoEncoder (VQ-VAE) and a Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) to generate high-quality 3D assets. The core insight of this work is to migrate the multimodal unification and promising learning capabilities of the next-token prediction paradigm to conditional 3D object generation. To achieve this, the 3D VQ-VAE first encodes a wide range of 3D shapes into a compact triplane latent space and utilizes a set of discrete representations from a trainable codebook to reconstruct fine-grained geometries under the supervision of query point occupancy. Then, the 3D GPT, equipped with a custom triplane position embedding called TriPE, predicts the codebook index sequence with prefilling prompt tokens in an autoregressive manner so that the composition of 3D geometries can be modeled part by part. Extensive experiments on ShapeNet and Objaverse demonstrate that TAR3D can achieve superior generation quality over existing methods in text-to-3D and image-to-3D tasks
Dec 19, 2024
Abstract:In the past, normalizing generative flows have emerged as a promising class of generative models for natural images. This type of model has many modeling advantages: the ability to efficiently compute log-likelihood of the input data, fast generation and simple overall structure. Normalizing flows remained a topic of active research but later fell out of favor, as visual quality of the samples was not competitive with other model classes, such as GANs, VQ-VAE-based approaches or diffusion models. In this paper we revisit the design of the coupling-based normalizing flow models by carefully ablating prior design choices and using computational blocks based on the Vision Transformer architecture, not convolutional neural networks. As a result, we achieve state-of-the-art quantitative and qualitative performance with a much simpler architecture. While the overall visual quality is still behind the current state-of-the-art models, we argue that strong normalizing flow models can help advancing research frontier by serving as building components of more powerful generative models.
Dec 17, 2024
Abstract:This paper presents the \textbf{S}emantic-a\textbf{W}ar\textbf{E} spatial-t\textbf{E}mporal \textbf{T}okenizer (SweetTokenizer), a compact yet effective discretization approach for vision data. Our goal is to boost tokenizers' compression ratio while maintaining reconstruction fidelity in the VQ-VAE paradigm. Firstly, to obtain compact latent representations, we decouple images or videos into spatial-temporal dimensions, translating visual information into learnable querying spatial and temporal tokens through a \textbf{C}ross-attention \textbf{Q}uery \textbf{A}uto\textbf{E}ncoder (CQAE). Secondly, to complement visual information during compression, we quantize these tokens via a specialized codebook derived from off-the-shelf LLM embeddings to leverage the rich semantics from language modality. Finally, to enhance training stability and convergence, we also introduce a curriculum learning strategy, which proves critical for effective discrete visual representation learning. SweetTokenizer achieves comparable video reconstruction fidelity with only \textbf{25\%} of the tokens used in previous state-of-the-art video tokenizers, and boost video generation results by \textbf{32.9\%} w.r.t gFVD. When using the same token number, we significantly improves video and image reconstruction results by \textbf{57.1\%} w.r.t rFVD on UCF-101 and \textbf{37.2\%} w.r.t rFID on ImageNet-1K. Additionally, the compressed tokens are imbued with semantic information, enabling few-shot recognition capabilities powered by LLMs in downstream applications.
Dec 13, 2024
Abstract:Lyric-to-melody generation is a highly challenging task in the field of AI music generation. Due to the difficulty of learning strict yet weak correlations between lyrics and melodies, previous methods have suffered from weak controllability, low-quality and poorly structured generation. To address these challenges, we propose CSL-L2M, a controllable song-level lyric-to-melody generation method based on an in-attention Transformer decoder with fine-grained lyric and musical controls, which is able to generate full-song melodies matched with the given lyrics and user-specified musical attributes. Specifically, we first introduce REMI-Aligned, a novel music representation that incorporates strict syllable- and sentence-level alignments between lyrics and melodies, facilitating precise alignment modeling. Subsequently, sentence-level semantic lyric embeddings independently extracted from a sentence-wise Transformer encoder are combined with word-level part-of-speech embeddings and syllable-level tone embeddings as fine-grained controls to enhance the controllability of lyrics over melody generation. Then we introduce human-labeled musical tags, sentence-level statistical musical attributes, and learned musical features extracted from a pre-trained VQ-VAE as coarse-grained, fine-grained and high-fidelity controls, respectively, to the generation process, thereby enabling user control over melody generation. Finally, an in-attention Transformer decoder technique is leveraged to exert fine-grained control over the full-song melody generation with the aforementioned lyric and musical conditions. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed CSL-L2M outperforms the state-of-the-art models, generating melodies with higher quality, better controllability and enhanced structure. Demos and source code are available at https://lichaiustc.github.io/CSL-L2M/.
* Accepted at AAAI-25
Dec 11, 2024
Abstract:Advertising systems often face the multi-domain challenge, where data distributions vary significantly across scenarios. Existing domain adaptation methods primarily focus on building domain-adaptive neural networks but often rely on hand-crafted domain information, e.g., advertising placement, which may be sub-optimal. We think that fine-grained "domain" patterns exist that are difficult to hand-craft in online advertisement. Thus, we propose Adaptive$^2$, a novel framework that first learns domains adaptively using a domain mining module by self-supervision and then employs a shared&specific network to model shared and conflicting information. As a practice, we use VQ-VAE as the domain mining module and conduct extensive experiments on public benchmarks. Results show that traditional domain adaptation methods with hand-crafted domains perform no better than single-domain models under fair FLOPS conditions, highlighting the importance of domain definition. In contrast, Adaptive$^2$ outperforms existing approaches, emphasizing the effectiveness of our method and the significance of domain mining. We also deployed Adaptive$^2$ in the live streaming scenario of Kuaishou Advertising System, demonstrating its commercial value and potential for automatic domain identification. To the best of our knowledge, Adaptive$^2$ is the first approach to automatically learn both domain identification and adaptation in online advertising, opening new research directions for this area.
* 10 pages, 6 figures
Dec 02, 2024
Abstract:Human motion, inherently continuous and dynamic, presents significant challenges for generative models. Despite their dominance, discrete quantization methods, such as VQ-VAEs, suffer from inherent limitations, including restricted expressiveness and frame-wise noise artifacts. Continuous approaches, while producing smoother and more natural motions, often falter due to high-dimensional complexity and limited training data. To resolve this "discord" between discrete and continuous representations, we introduce DisCoRD: Discrete Tokens to Continuous Motion via Rectified Flow Decoding, a novel method that decodes discrete motion tokens into continuous motion through rectified flow. By employing an iterative refinement process in the continuous space, DisCoRD captures fine-grained dynamics and ensures smoother and more natural motions. Compatible with any discrete-based framework, our method enhances naturalness without compromising faithfulness to the conditioning signals. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that DisCoRD achieves state-of-the-art performance, with FID of 0.032 on HumanML3D and 0.169 on KIT-ML. These results solidify DisCoRD as a robust solution for bridging the divide between discrete efficiency and continuous realism. Our project page is available at: https://whwjdqls.github.io/discord.github.io/.
* 20 pages 18 figures
Dec 02, 2024
Abstract:The application of language models (LMs) to molecular structure generation using line notations such as SMILES and SELFIES has been well-established in the field of cheminformatics. However, extending these models to generate 3D molecular structures presents significant challenges. Two primary obstacles emerge: (1) the difficulty in designing a 3D line notation that ensures SE(3)-invariant atomic coordinates, and (2) the non-trivial task of tokenizing continuous coordinates for use in LMs, which inherently require discrete inputs. To address these challenges, we propose Mol-StrucTok, a novel method for tokenizing 3D molecular structures. Our approach comprises two key innovations: (1) We design a line notation for 3D molecules by extracting local atomic coordinates in a spherical coordinate system. This notation builds upon existing 2D line notations and remains agnostic to their specific forms, ensuring compatibility with various molecular representation schemes. (2) We employ a Vector Quantized Variational Autoencoder (VQ-VAE) to tokenize these coordinates, treating them as generation descriptors. To further enhance the representation, we incorporate neighborhood bond lengths and bond angles as understanding descriptors. Leveraging this tokenization framework, we train a GPT-2 style model for 3D molecular generation tasks. Results demonstrate strong performance with significantly faster generation speeds and competitive chemical stability compared to previous methods. Further, by integrating our learned discrete representations into Graphormer model for property prediction on QM9 dataset, Mol-StrucTok reveals consistent improvements across various molecular properties, underscoring the versatility and robustness of our approach.
* 17 pages, 6 figures, preprint
Nov 29, 2024
Abstract:Removing modeling constraints and unifying architectures across domains has been a key driver of the recent progress in training large multimodal models. However, most of these models still rely on many separately trained components such as modality-specific encoders and decoders. In this work, we further streamline joint generative modeling of images and text. We propose an autoregressive decoder-only transformer - JetFormer - which is trained to directly maximize the likelihood of raw data, without relying on any separately pretrained components, and can understand and generate both text and images. Specifically, we leverage a normalizing flow model to obtain a soft-token image representation that is jointly trained with an autoregressive multimodal transformer. The normalizing flow model serves as both an image encoder for perception tasks and an image decoder for image generation tasks during inference. JetFormer achieves text-to-image generation quality competitive with recent VQ-VAE- and VAE-based baselines. These baselines rely on pretrained image autoencoders, which are trained with a complex mixture of losses, including perceptual ones. At the same time, JetFormer demonstrates robust image understanding capabilities. To the best of our knowledge, JetFormer is the first model that is capable of generating high-fidelity images and producing strong log-likelihood bounds.